Friday, July 13, 2007

where did it go?

when did CJ go from the first day of the first grade to the first serious girlfrend?
but how cute is this beach picture? i never would have got CJ to (1) go down on the beach in the sand (2) take off his shoes & socks since he hates feet (3) and walk out into the water. but Hannah can! don't get me wrong, she is as cute as can be and i really do like her. they have been going out for about 9 months now and she is here almost every evening. someone, please help me find this block of time that i have lost. i can't even wrap my head around how fast my kids have grown up. girls, and you know who you are, i know your kids drive you crazy at times (and i remember crazy) but don't lose you block of time like i have. take lots of pictures, write feelings and events and the funny things they do and say down somewhere so you can remember it all. and don't even get me started on Bailey!

1 comment:

anne said...

They are adorable.

This definately does NOT "make me wanna punch a baby" or "roll down a hill".
