Friday, June 05, 2009

**and the storm passed**

of course, i knew it was going to happen. it is always crappy weather around my birthday. this was extremely crappy weather. scary even for some. we kept up with the news and had a few conversations with the high school as to whether or not they were going to cancel graduation and reschedule. the first time we called they said they didn't know for sure and to call back in 15 minutes. when we did they told us the district was going to wait out the storm and if worst came to worst they would head out to the stadium and tell us to go home. nice. so we went from this...

to this...

and we came home without being rained on, blown away, or struck by lightning. at least it was an eventful graduation.

graduation was amazing. the valedictorian's speeches were awesome, and i couldn't be more proud of my little girl.

and i am very proud of these 2 as well. congrats becky and kelsie.

one of the best parts of last night was the feeling i got seeing the pride that cj had of bailey. i could tell by the way he talked. some of his friends were there for grads they knew so cj texted them and they came over to sit by us. they stood up and know the "guy yell"....loudly....for bailey. for becky and kelsie too. kelsie's family was on the opposite side and when she came down off the stage her counselor pointed in our direction and said "i think your family is on THIS side". gotta' love guy yells. matter of fact the lady in front of us turned around and jokingly asked cj if they could give her a heads up when they were going to cheer again. she jumped a foot when the did it the first time.

my mom told me this morning that when they found bailey in the crowd (we were still looking) she saw cj walk up and give her a huge hug....a really huge hug. i love those two. makes me a little jealous that i didn't have that sibling thing.

alright, proud momma will step down from her soap box. i am all set for tomorrow. the party should be great. the paper showed just clouds, no rain, for tomorrow. keep your fingers crossed. thanks.

have a great weekend!



Mrs Anne said...

I was wondering if it happened or not!

I'm so proud of Bailey!!! :)

I will see YOU tomorrow! xoxox

Missy said...

I prayed for the storm to pass. Thought about you guys and was glad to see the weather clear up! Was pretty dicey for awhile. Proud mama moments are the best. Congrats Bailey!

Danea Burleson said...

I am so happy it all went down as planned! Congrats Miss Bailey!

Now I have to add I got all teary when I read about Cj huggin' her and such. Damn, now I'm all teary again! I can only hope I do as good a job with my kids as you did. :)