Friday, March 06, 2009

**they're back!!**

i always wanted one of these. i told cj i was going to buy one and he looked at me like i was crazy. i guess i probably am. don't tell me he wouldn't try it out though.

isn't he cute!?!

i was reading ali edward's blog and ran across this etsy site, lettergirl. her self-inking stamps are amazing. she has the best handwriting.

i just might get myself this one for my birthday.

i have been spending a lot of time on facebook and one of my facebook friends posted this on her profile. since not everyone can see it i thought i would post it here. i LOVE it. i remember so much of what he is talking about. funny how the times have changed.

hope you all have a great weekend.



{marie} said...

omg....i saw the inch worm at fred meyer and was thinking the exact same thing. i have a white buffet that he would fit perfectly on for spring. i always wanted one as a kid too, but i never got one! i also always wanted a sit and spin and was vetoed on that as well!

SplendidlyImperfect said...

If you get it and ride it, I'm gonna need a photo of that.

Mrs Anne said...

love the worm!
love the stamp!

i wanna order one too!


Susanne P. said...

i wanted a sit-n-spin as well but never got one either. hmfp!

Danea Burleson said...

LOL... a friend had the worm, not me. :( Wonder what the age and size limits are? Hehe.

Love that true!