Tuesday, February 24, 2009

**a little redneck**

i swiped this picture from my daughter's friend's blog. i love it! thanks becky!

my computer has been so tied up with viruses lately that i have just been wanting to throw it out the window! i have to shut it down and restart it every 20 minutes. i am so scared that i will lose all my pictures, recipes, and links to my favorite sites. so......i got a new PC!! woot woot! i just need to make sure the virus isn't somehow in my picture files and then get them transfered off this old one and onto the new one and i am good to go. yay!! wish me luck.



Mrs Anne said...

it's official.
i miss you.

when are you avail?


Susanne P. said...

how about dinner thurs night with my kids??

Danea Burleson said...

LOL. Yikes, not sure what her def' of dressed up is then. hehehe.